End of Year Bookkeeping Catch-Up

Your Ultimate Tax Season Solution

Are you feeling overwhelmed with year-end bookkeeping?

Our End of Year Bookkeeping Catch-Up service is designed to quickly bring your financial records up to date, just in time for tax season.

John at Zero Grid scooped up my books and has helped me tremendously. Huge value to my small business! I was doing my own bookkeeping and he was fantastic at correcting what I'd been doing. He works alongside my CPA to make sure I'm covering all of my bases. Hands down best value added to my business this year!

–Lori, Lori Lynn’s Cookies and Cream

Why Choose Our Service?

Comprehensive Coverage

Includes up to 12 months of bookkeeping, providing a thorough catch-up for your financial records.

Urgent Support

Ideal for businesses needing prompt and accurate bookkeeping as the year ends.

Expert Handling

Professional bookkeeping services to ensure precision and accuracy.

What We Offer:

Complete Bookkeeping

We’ll process and organize up to a full year’s worth of transactions.

Financial Reconciliation

Align your accounts with bank statements and financial reports.

Error Correction

Identify and correct any discrepancies in your records.

Detailed Reporting

Receive accurate financial statements to aid in your tax filing.

Important Note:

While our service ensures that your bookkeeping is in perfect order, you will be responsible for filing your taxes. This can be done independently or with the assistance of a CPA. Our role is to provide you with accurate and complete financial records to make the tax filing process smoother.

Get up to 12 months of bookkeeping completed efficiently, ensuring your records are in perfect order for tax season. Schedule a clarity call today to start your catch-up and ensure a smooth tax filing experience!

Starting at $3200

“Year end always stresses me out… it’s such a relief to know my business
is in GOOD HANDS!"”

– Melody, Finicky Fox Design

Why the Premium Rate?

The premium pricing reflects the urgency and extensive nature of the service, covering up to a full year's worth of bookkeeping. It’s a valuable investment for a stress-free tax season, saving you time and ensuring accuracy.

Ready to get started?

Schedule Your Clarity Call: Book a 15-minute call to discuss your needs and begin your bookkeeping catch-up.

Fill Out the Questionnaire: Provide detailed information to tailor our service to your requirements.

Prepare for tax season with confidence

Grab your FREE Year End Checklist!